Multi-Specialty Research Associates Archives - Wake Research

Enrolling Studies at Multi-Specialty Research Associates

Alzheimer’s Disease (Mild to Moderate) - Multi-Specialty Research Associates

A clinical research study for those with signs of early Alzheimer's Disease.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) - Multi-Specialty Research Associates

A clinical research study to assess the safety and effectiveness of an investigation drug for reducing COPD flare-ups

Erosive Esophagitis - Multi-Specialty Research Associates

A clinical trial for those with heartburn and esophageal pain.

GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) - Multi-Specialty Research Associates

A clinical trial for those with heartburn and esophageal pain.

Pediatric Migraine - Multi-Specialty Research Associates

Investigate a potential new medication for adolescent migraines.

RSV Treatment - Multi-Specialty Research Associates

A clinical research study for a potential treatment for RSV in those 65 years or older.

RSV Treatment - Multi-Specialty Research Associates

A clinical research study for a potential treatment for RSV in those 18 to 64 years of age.

Sample Collection - Multi-Specialty Research Associates

We're enrolling volunteers diagnosed with Alzheimer's or Gout who are interested in a blood draw study.

Vaginal Atrophy /Vaginal Dryness Study - Multi-Specialty Research Associates

A clinical study testing the safety and effectiveness of a steroidal gel for vaginal atrophy.

Vasomotor Symptoms with Menopause (hot flash) - Multi-Specialty Research Associates

A clinical research study for women going through menopause.